
Horseback Riding Adventure at Big Rock Dude Ranch

Our Tennessee adventure included many firsts for the kids, including their first time on a horse! This was by far my favorite ride, due to both their company and the scenery. I can’t think of a more beautiful place for their first time horseback riding than in the Smoky Mountains. Big Rock Dude Ranch was the perfect place!

the Great Smoky Mountains

While looking for a place to ride, we needed to ensure the littlest riders in our party would be able to join in and would be safe. We selected a ranch with high safety ratings, excellent feedback and reviews, and other activities for the smallest of our group to enjoy (in case there were any cold feet).

Big Rock Dude Ranch at Ponderosa turned out to be the perfect fit.

Our party of 11 was easily accommodated and those in our party with specific needs were given a lead and a guide. We hopped on our horses, most of which were named after US States, and lined up for a ride through the Great Smoky Mountains!


I was on a horse named California, around the middle-end of our pack. We were generally lined up smallest to tallest which allowed me to keep an eye on all three kids. I was able to watch them all enjoying their ride, which was half of the fun! Cal liked to take his time; I was surprised that I did not need to work to slow him down to prevent crowding of our line.

There are no cameras permitted (even on mobile phones) while you’re on the horses. Between distracted riders and horses, it just isn’t a good idea! You are able to purchase a souvenir photo of individuals on horses if desired.

Because I don’t have pictures of the ride itself, I don’t feel I can communicate just how beautiful the Great Smoky Mountains are in the fall. When you try to picture it, also try to hear the crunch of leaves and rock under hooves, the birds and bugs chirping and buzzing, and the occasional rustle of leaves nearby.

Our First-Time Riders’ Experiences

In case you’re wondering, the kids did great! The horses were great trail horses, all gentle and clearly familiar with beginners.

Admittedly, I was nervous about our youngest two riding for the first time… and each on their own horse! Our 5-year-old paid attention to the safety video’s guidance and sat straight up the entire time! He really enjoyed the ride, though I think the duration (about an hour) was a long for him.

Our 8-year-old had it a little tougher. Her horse was curious and hungry, starting the ride by veering to the side of the trail whenever she saw a good snack! Clearly there was no danger in stopping for a quick bite, but my daughter found it embarrassing. Our guide talked her through her discomfort and showed her how to better control her horse. After that, we were good to go!

Gem Mining

a shelter with a sign reading GEM MINING waits alongside a creek

We took advantage of all of the activities that the ranch had to offer.

The sleeper hit was panning for gems!

a young boy sifts through silt and sand in search of gems

Each bag of mining ore comes with a photo guide to the 30+ possible gemstones that can be found. The guide made it easy to identify what we were finding and had a little blurb that detailed each gem on the back.

Still, my kids were most excited to find lumps of pyrite (fool’s gold) in their pans.

gems of all colors, sizes, and shapes at the bottom of a souvenir bag

Gem mining led to a lengthy discussion of stones, rock polishers, jewelry-making, and even magical powers. My son was convinced he’d found a giant diamond and spent the day beaming with pride. (We tried to tell him that it was quartz, but he wouldn’t hear it!) We never expected it to be that fun or impactful!

Other Activities

Nearby was a playground and a picnic area, perfect for us to plop down and have a snack before moving on. We returned to the spot later that afternoon so my middle schooler could complete a math test. Remote learning does have its benefits!

outside a shop with flower-decorated wagon wheels, a sign reads GENERAL STORE, OPEN TO THE PUBLIC, 9 AM to 9 PM

The general store (where you sign up to ride) also sells an assortment of souvenirs.

shop shelves lined with cowboy hats, stuffed horses and bears, and candies

There we also purchased feed for the animals at the ranch. There were horses, of course, but in the pens nearby we found ponies, goats, alpacas, chickens, and an emu!

a young girl laughs as a llama eats out of her hand

A couple peacocks roamed freely while ducks and geese waddled by the fishing pond.

a peacock struts by the petting zoo

The only thing we didn’t have time to do was go fishing!

a large fishing pond, nestled in the Smoky Mountains

Plan Your Visit

The Big Rock Dude Ranch
909 Little Cove Road
Pigeon Forge, Tennessee 37863



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