At Yarn's Length

Rocktown Yarn [Local Yarn Shop]

Back in November of 2020, I heard that a new local yarn shop was opening up in Harrisonburg, Virginia: Rocktown Yarn. I couldn’t wait to go!

🧶 This visit is part of the Ultimate Virginia Yarn Crawl.

Rocktown Yarn

Rocktown Yarn is situated in the back corner of an open-wall, indoor market in downtown Harrisonburg. The market is only a few minutes off of I-81, a main thoroughfare in central Virginia.

This shop’s collection is small and focuses on fun, bold, and modern. In addition to yarn, crochet kits and knitting kits are available.

Shops selling coffee, vintage goods, and reusable daily items share the space. This means that any friends of family members who are tagging along on your yarn trip will have something to keep them busy, too!

There was a small kids’ coloring space in the corner of the shop area. It kept my children busy, though my older two did eventually wander over to browse for vintage clothing in a nearby stop area.

Plenty of kits were on display, including bold and simple crochet kits. My kids really got a kick out of these “crochetmojis” and the nearby knit letters. They laughed out loud at the hashtag hashtag. (Yes, I had to explain that you could add the words of your choice!)

Indigo Quail sock-of-the-month kits feature hand-dyed matching self-striping yarns for sock knitting

I purchased a single skein of Sourdough Sock yarn from Kim Dyes Yarn in the colorway Castle Leoch. I think it’s going to be a hat, but we’ll see!

Plan Your Visit

Rocktown Yarn
165 S. Main Street
Harrisonburg, VA 22801

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